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Clean smarter with 20% off iRobot

Save more than just effort with direct from brand deals.
Ends 4/28. Max $100 off. 2x use.
An iRobot Roomba 677 Vacuum Cleaning Robot and a docked iRobot Roomba j7+ Self-Emptying Vacuum Cleaning Robot against a pale blue background. An eBay Refurbished checkmark sits to the bottom left of the two products.

To Mom, with love

Give her the gift of choice with an eBay eGift Card.
Five eGift cards against a pink background, in shades of pink, red, and purple, each with the eBay logo sitting in the bottom left, and the 'Things.People.Love' tagline in the bottom right. The cards read 'To the best mom ever', 'Mother's Day, your way.', 'Mom approved gifts.', 'You deserve the best, Mom.', and 'Love you, Mom!'